Not All Gifts Are From Paradise.
The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial
Collaboratos: Wei Sing Lau, Adrian Hong, Magda Filipek
design documentation is available upon request.
A design proposal for ‘The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial’. With a future in such a state of uncertainty and political relationships more strained than ever, there is one more silent threat that could end up being more deadly and dangerous to humanity than a hundred pandemics: nuclear weapon.
This puts the idea of a memorial on its head where its dual location; the site of the incident and the target sites ensures that memory could engage a wider audience and have greater impact towards its cause of nuclear nonproliferation. The nuclear landscape and relics of the island serves as a time capsule of history.
Motivated by the idea of mapping the passage of time as a warning to the public on the pressing environmental concerns in Marshall Island due to the nuclear fallouts, we proposed to have multiple floating podium holding land mass (sand) transported from Bikini Atoll and/ or Enewetak Atoll, illustrating the sands of time, featuring the grandfather clock mechanism where the device would constantly rotates in clockwise/ anti-clockwise directions, pushing sand from the podiums to the ground. Through time, the sand would bury the portions of the ground: when both Bikini and Enewetak Atoll will be submerged.
A total volume of one atoll is approximately 0.015km3. This volume is optimized to achieve a peak land elevation of 115 metres above sea level. Together with the transplanted palm trees from the Marshall Island, it towers over the Capital building as a symbolism of greater importance and protest towards the symbol of United States legistative power.