Collaborators Kongsi Petak
Project Interactive Installation Art
projek limina.
The human body is a vessel for experience and the metaphorical between-state of the direct connection of our body-mind relationship with the environment, where we constantly hover somewhere in-between.
Drawing inspiration from the concept of liminality, “projek limina” is an immersive and collaborative performance revolving around the exploration of the human mind, body and space. This project invites the audience to ponder the changing relationship between self-awareness, and the collective memories and experiences they face during the pandemic.
Combining a real-time interactive technology and multi sensory feedback, this project allows the audience to participate through their interactions with the installation. Through the interactions, participants are able to contribute to the narrative within the themes of therapy, human feelings, emotions and expression. This project is an ongoing experiment on how humans can use their bodies as a storytelling device that binds their experience and environments through immersive installations, systems, objects and moments.
Design System of projek limina.Images captured by Amirul Rahman during the 1st movement performance.
As a project to explore expressions and emotions, projek limina is presented not merely as an interactive art installation but also with a series of performance:
Physical Performance
1st movement
The Layover: A Liminal State
“Like a traveller waiting in an airport for a connecting flight, you find yourself in a limbo state. Being neither here nor there, you start to ponder upon your past decisions which has led you here to this point. You know where you want to go with the next flight but is it really where you want to be? What if you are meant to be on another flight to a different situation? What is the next flight takes you to a place where it turns out to be not what you have expected it to be? Why are you here? Where are you going? Who are you?”
5th movement
The Greyzone: as in-between space
“You have figured it out. You think you know who you are. But do you really know that person staring back at you in the mirror? You are not so sure anymore. Your reflection wears your skin but sometimes you barely recognise that person underneath that shell. Sometimes it’s clear. Sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s black. Sometimes it’s white. But most of the time, it’s in different shades of grey. This is when you start to realise that maybe there is no black or white. Maybe grey is what you should be. The answer is staring back at you. How are you?”
Virtual Performance
2nd - 4th movements
Cycle of emotions: Grief - Saudade
The global pandemic in 2020 took the whole world off guard, and many have suffered losses such as: lives, monies, and perhaps time. Thus, we started from the expression of ‘Grief’ as a response to loss. As a natural response to grief, we crave, and pray for the bygone times when things were better, thus ‘Saudade’, expressing an emotional state that longs for the past and things that are gone. Following up with the 3rd movement, the feeling of ‘Reverence’ to the high powers, comprising ‘Prayerful’ and spiritual healing. Bringing us to the state of ‘Solemn’ , where we will start picking ourselves up, moving forward with dignity and authenticity in this chaotic world, ‘Happily’. (Scott Woo, backbone member)
with VerSes ( featuring guest performers YS Tang (classical guitar) and Darrel Chan (countertenor).